Here, first, we take a look at different types of available Instagram accounts. Then, we will explore the popular methods that you can use to trace them. Finally, we answer some of the most asked questions about the topic so make sure you make it to the end of the article.

Understanding Different Types Of Account

Before starting to trace, you need to understand what kind of account you’re dealing with. The type of account reveals how much information you can gather from your tracing.

Personal Account

The highest number of accounts on Instagram are personal accounts. Personal accounts are meant for use by individuals for non-business purposes. Personal accounts can be either public or private. Public account information is visible to anyone on the platform. You can skim through the entire post history and following/followers users list. You can also send private messages to them right away. Private accounts are more restricted in nature. You can only trace their name, bio, and display picture if they haven’t accepted your follow request. You also cannot send a private message to them if you haven’t followed them yet.

Business/Creator Account

Business accounts are meant for small business owners, retailers, and local shops. Likewise, creator accounts are for social influencers, content producers, and other artists. Note that all accounts under these categories are public. Having a public account helps them for more outreach. It also means it’s much easier to trace these types of accounts.

Methods To Trace An Instagram Account

Method #1: Using Google

Google provides free service to search through millions of Instagram accounts.

Method #2: Using Spokeo

Spokeo is an intelligence service that searches the internet using social media information. They claim to have over 12 billion records to search through. Spokeo charges a small fee before they provide you with the trace results.

Method #3: Retrieving Instagram Post Information

Instagram posts may contain the location information of the user who posted them.

Method #4: Checking Profile Bio

Influencers and small business owners put contact information in their account bio.

Method #5: Checking Tagged Photos

You can find information about an account by checking other associated accounts. Use the following steps to retrieve other associated users.

Method #6: Checking Associated People

You can find more about someone by checking other accounts associated with them. Use the following steps to retrieve other associated users.


Tracing Instagram accounts based on the information they provide is legal. There are lots of fake tools on the internet. They claim to “trace” phone numbers, location coordinates, addresses, etc. What they do is scam you of your money in reality. They provide the same information that you can get using the above approaches. Keep in mind that you may need to obtain permission before tracing somebody else’s account. Also, note that using hacking and social engineering methods is illegal. They should not be pursued under any circumstances.